Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Greywater System: Converting Used Water for Further Household Uses

By now, you already know about the water problem Melbourne is experiencing right now. You should now understand the magnitude of the problem and foresee the scenarios you and other residents could be facing. It is not enough for the city government to control the residents’ usage as our needs depend on it. I have discussed about rainwater harvesting as one of the best options you can take to use and conserve water wisely, and now I will discuss about greywater systems, another great alternative to our main water supply.

Look closely at the common household activities which you consume water: Bathing or showering at the morning or night, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, cooking and preparing food and brushing your teeth. Can you estimate how many gallons of water you use on these activities on a regular basis? An average family of four could have used up 40,000 gallons every day from such activities. Don’t you know this kind of water you dispose down the drain is very reusable for certain kinds of activities?

Water disposed from such activities is called greywater, standing between white water (coming into your house through your faucets or showerheads) and black water (or sewage coming from your toilet). Greywater results from our laundry machines, dishwashers, tubs, bathroom and kitchen sinks and showers. Most people usually though such goes directly to the sewage however, it should not be so. Greywater can be recycled and reused but it would not be so if it is mixed with black water in the overcrowded sewage systems, thus contributing to pollution in nearby water bodies.

With a greywater treatment/reclamation/irrigation system, such water won’t go waste into the sewers. They will be treated for further use. It is not that difficult for plumbers to install one for you as they can customise a greywater system based on your needs.

A greywater system will help reduce your total dependency on fresh water supply from diminished main sources. You will use fresh supply now for cooking and drinking as greywater will be for your laundry, home, pathway and car cleaning and garden and lawn watering. The good thing too is that you not only reduce your consumption bill but you also prevent further pollution. Make sure your plumbers will install the right system for you.

Do you find greywater to be gross? You should not so. It is not sanitary but it is disease-free and non-toxic unlike black water which has lots of bacteria and pathogens. For this, we have certain technologies to make use of greywater for other household activities like watering non-edible plants, cleaning the car or the house, flushing the toilet, etc. At least with greywater, you can use your main supply for cooking and preparing foods and for drinking.

It is best for us to explore other alternatives of water sources and we could not be more than thankful that we have expert plumbers in Pascoe Vale who can install rainwater and greywater systems. Water management is a must for everybody.  We cannot imagine our needs without it: If society is wasting water unabated, the city experiencing fewer rainy days and our city’s supply reaching critical level. Time comes, we would fight over it.

Looking to conserve water with a residential greywater system? Contact Evans Plumbing today to discuss your greywater installation needs and we will send our best plumbers in Pascoe Vale to install the right system for you.

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